Melodie der Welt
Melodie der Welt represents the following foreign publishing companies in Germany:
105 Shattering Walls Publ.
323hiser Publ.
3 Ring Circus Music
Adventure Cat Music
Andrew Ampaya
Approved Music Rights Mgmt
Aston Music
Aviation Music
Bach To Bach Music
Back-O-Beyond Music
Backcourt Music
Barbra Streisand Foundation
Barebear Music
Bellchant Music
Bellvox Music
Berkshire Hills Music
Big Slamm Music
BJS Msuic Corp.
Blue Harbor Music
Bluebash Music
Boogie One Music
Bourne Group
Brandy BVBA
Brickhouse LA
Bucket Of Pus Music
Buddy Love Music
Bully Goose Publishing
Bunmart Inc.
Calderwood Inc.
Cedos Music
Charleville Music
Cheap Thrills Music
Clears Music
Coast Highway Music
Consenting Adult Music
Cope Music
Cranktone Music
Creole Music
Crystal Music Publ.
CSS Music
Cyril Shane Music
Dalto Music
Dancing Cat Music
Dancing Kitten Music
De Sagob Music
Del Zorro Music
Diana Music
Dillard Music
Dimension Gate Music
Dinkum Music Publishing
Dog Soldier Music
Donkey Farm Songs
Doors Music Co.
Dregs Music
Dry Clam Music
Dump Music Inc.
E.O. Smith Music
East Of Western Music
Edifo SA Zürich
Eensy Weensy Music
Emanuel Music
Euro Musik Wien
Everly and Sons Music
Evil Eye Music Inc.
Feat Music
Feckless Music
Foghorn Music
Forest Farm Music
FPMG Publ.
Freejunket Music
Full Grown Man Music
Gear Publishing
Giorgio Moroder Publ.
Global Jukebox
Gopam Group
Great Art Music
H/B Webman & Co.
Haapala Music
Halcycon Music
Happenstance Music
Heavy Nova Music
Hibiscus Music
Highway Twenty
Hollywood Allstar Music
Hubtones Music
Hula Cat Music
Hula Kitten Music
I.O.U./Fred Blocks
Identitunes Music
Imaging Blueprint Ltd.
Imago Music Inc.
Ineffable Music Group
Jamaica Music Publishing
James Moody Music
Jane Ann Music
Jeffrey Steele Music
Joe's Songs
JVA Publishing Co.
K-Works Music Ltd.
Kenny G Music
Kentis Music
Kichelle Music
King Of Boogie Music
Kleiner Mann Music
Koberg Music
Layng West Music
Leadsheet Land Music
Legativity Music Inc.
Libet Music
Light Music
Limatour Music
Litchfield Entertainment
Little Feat Music
Lou Rawls Music
Madison Leisure Corp.
Mass Confusion Prod.
Matanzas Music
Maxwood Music
Mc Moore Mc Lesst
Metal Limb Music
Micache Music
Milliama Music
Minnesota Slim Music
Mississippi Mud Music
Modern American Music
Monarch Global Music Publishing
Morgan Music
Mostly Munsen Music
Mowgli Publishing
Muffet Music Co.
Muggins Music Inc.
Musicare Limited
Musikvertrieb Zürich
Nazzenphlat Music
Nella Publishing
New Jefferson Publ.
New Times Music
Newborn Fields Music
Northwentz Publishing
Nuttsacktor 5 Music
Owenpop Songs
Palancar Music
Paul Fox Music
Pimentel International Music
Porcara Music
Profit Daniel
Prosthesis International Music
Queen Bey Beats
Ray Vaughan Music Inc.
Red Gator Music
Reelworld Productions
Regime Music Group
Retribution Music
Ridgewalker Music
Rockin' Leprechaun Music
Royalty Solutions Corp.
Ruminating Music Publishing
Say Uncle Music
Seabreeze Music Ltd.
Shake It Easy
Soberay Music
Sookloozy Music Publishing
Soquel Songs
Springpark Music
St. Angelo Music
Stellabella Music
Stevie Ray Songs
Stone City Music
Structurally Sound Publishing
Stygian Songs
Super Ron Music
Swink Tunes
Sy Vy Music
Tashman Music Ltd.
The Global Asylum Inc.
The Madison Corp.
The Marmalade Group Ltd.
The Other Side Of Desire Publishing
The White Buffalo International
This Is Art Music
Top Format Melodies
Topomic Editions
Townes van Zandt Songs
Tune Town Music Publishing
Turquoise On White Music
Union Of The Heart
Urmila Music
Visual Music
Viza International
Wackerman Music
Washinee Music
Waves Department
We Love Beyonce Music
Weinberger Wien
White Satin Music
Wien Melodie
Wiener Musik Produktion
Winkelman Tunes
Wixen Music Publishing Inc.
Wixen Music UK Ltd.
Wordsmith And Wesson Music
Yahara Music